Yesterday, Connecticut Republican lawmakers released a
budget proposal which proposed eliminating $60 million from the Citizens’
Election Fund, effectively killing the program.
“The League of Women Voters opposes the Republican proposal. In
these tough economic times, we need a Governor and a Legislature that listens
to the people, not the industries that contribute the most money,” said Christine
Horrigan, government director for the League of Women Voters of Connecticut.
“The Citizens Elections program allows candidates to run for office free of
special interest money and we need this critical accountability measure now
more than ever.”
The inaugural year of the Citizens’ Election Program was an unqualified
success. The new law frees candidates from special interest money by allowing
them to participate in a voluntary program for public funds if they raise a
threshold amount of qualifying contributions from individuals in their district.
Once they qualify, candidates agree to abide by spending limits and forgo further
private contributions. In return they receive a grant from the state to run their
campaign, and if they are elected they head to the statehouse accountable
primarily to the voters who elected them, not the special interests who would
have financed their campaign.
Seventy-five percent of all candidates for Connecticut’s General Assembly
ran under the Citizens’ Elections program. Eighty-one percent, or 152 out of 187
of those elected to serve in the next General Assembly ran under the Citizens’
Elections program. In the Connecticut Senate, 89 percent of the seats, or 32 of
36, will be held by Clean Elections officials. On the House side, Clean Elections
officials will hold at least 120 of the 151 seats.
“We can’t go back to the corruption of the past when the name of the
game was pay-to-play,” said Cheri Quickmire, Executive Director of Common
Cause. “It wasn’t that long ago that John Rowland was giving no-bid
government contracts to special interests who gave him large personal gifts and even larger campaign contributions.
“From our perspective, the Citizens Election program has already paid for
itself by making it possible to reclaim the $20 million a year in unclaimed bottle
deposits,” added Cheri Quickmire. “The recent enactment of Connecticut’s new
law requiring five cent deposits on plastic water bottles and reclaiming the
collection of millions of dollars worth of unclaimed bottle deposits is the perfect
example of how the Citizens Election program can impact public policy.”
Environmentalists and others at the Capitol tried to make progress on
these two major issues for years, but the beverage industry and their lobbyists
with their generous campaign contributions kept reform at bay for years. 80%
of this General Assembly ran free of special interest money under the new law
and voted early in the session to pass the expanded bottle bill and to reclaim the
bottle deposit money. It is clear that landmark campaign finance laws passed in
2005 and 2006 have severely diminished the power special interests once
wielded in state government.
“It is no surprise that Representative Larry Cafero and Senator John
McKinney are leading the charge to gut this program,” said Tom Swan,
Executive Director of Connecticut Citizen Action Group. “They never were
supporters of public financing in the first place. This program is the most
significant anti-corruption measure adopted by the state. The Republican
proposal should be summarily rejected by all.”
Groups supporting the Ciizens Election Program In Connecticut include:
AFSCME Council 4
American Postal Workers Union,
WestConn Area Local
Capitol Region Council of Churches
Citizens For Economic Opportunity
Citizens For Election Reform
Collaborative Center for Justice
Connecticut AFL-CIO
Connecticut Association of Human Services
Connecticut Citizen Action Group
Connecticut Common Cause
Connecticut Conference of the United Church of Christ
Connecticut Federation ofEducational and Professional Employees
Connecticut Green Party
Connecticut NOW
Connecticut State Employees Association
Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund
Danbury Central Labor Council
Danbury Hospital Professional
Nurses Association, Local 5047
Democracy for CT
Earth Matters
Fairfield County Labor Council
Grassroots Coalition, Inc.
Greater Hartford African American
Greater Hartford Labor Council
Hartford Environmental Justice Network
Healthcare For All
Northeast Action
One Connecticut
People’s Action for Clean Energy
Sierra Club-CT
Toxic Action Center
United Auto Workers-Region 9A
Veterans for Peace, Chapter 18
Western Connecticut Central Labor Council
Yale Students for Clean Elections
Youth for Justice
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
State Revenue Solutions for Connecticut
Connecticut’s revenue system is failing to provide the funds we need to support the public structures that help maintain our quality of life – our schools, transportation systems, environmental protection agencies, and public safety agencies. The state’s revenue shortfall is serious, but manageable. Connecticut can adopt a more fair, reliable and accountable revenue plan by:
Increasing income taxes for those who can best afford it (increased revenues: $0.8 to 1.2 billion). Connecticut’s wealthiest families pay 4.7% of their income in state and local taxes (after federal tax deductions for state and local taxes).
By comparison, middle-income families pay 10.2% and low-income families pay 10.9% of their income in state and local taxes. Increasing income taxes for the wealthiest residents will help to make our tax system more fair and to close the state revenue gap. Adopting higher income tax brackets for married couple families over $200,000, as recommended by the Better Choices for Connecticut coalition, would raise an estimated $1 billion in additional revenue to close the budget deficit, while affecting less than 7% of Connecticut taxpayers. Notably, even with this rate increase, the share of income paid in state and local taxes by Connecticut’s wealthiest 5% would remain smaller than what is paid by the “bottom” 95% of Connecticut families.
Closing corporate tax loopholes. ($130 to 150 million) Flaws in our corporate tax code are part of our revenue problem, costing Connecticut hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues each year.
Close Connecticut’s “Las Vegas Loophole” ($100-120 million). Flaws in state tax accounting rules enable many multi-state companies to artificially shift profits to subsidiaries in other states like Nevada, which has no corporate income tax. This enables them to avoid paying their share of Connecticut taxes, and shifts responsibility for taxes onto locally-owned businesses and individuals.
Connecticut should level the playing field for businesses in Connecticut by requiring “combined reporting” tax rules that are already in place in at least 22 other states, including neighboring New York and Massachusetts. This reform will fix arbitrary and unfair corporate tax "loopholes" that increase our state revenue gap.
Re-apply the corporation business tax to “S-Corporations” with graduated rates to protect small businesses ($20-30 million). Because of other loopholes, many large corporations do not pay corporation business taxes. Many of these “S-Corporations” are major businesses. In 2003, 18 of the state’s 100 largest business paid only a $250 business entity tax, which applies to these S-Corporations and certain other classes of businesses. Requiring that large corporations pay the corporation business tax, and establishing lower, graduated rates for small businesses, will result in a more fair and broad-based tax system.
Scaling back public subsidies to the entertainment industry ($90 to 100 million). Connecticut’s blank check to the entertainment industry is part of our state budget problem. The State of Connecticut is excessively generous to film companies, paying for 30% of the cost of making movies, regardless of how much income tax the companies owe the state. The costs of these film tax credit subsidies far surpass the amount given in tax credits to any other industry. These film subsidies are a blank check. There is no cap on the amount of money the state can lose through these tax credits.
The State’s own study, conducted by the Department of Economic and Community Development, estimated that the tax credits do not pay for themselves. For every dollar the State spends on film tax credits, it only gets back 20 cents, a loss of 80 cents on the dollar. (The study estimated 6 cents in increased revenues and 13 cents in budget savings would result from the tax credit expenditures.) Setting a cap on Connecticut’s film tax credits will begin to set some reasonable limits on the program and help to close our state revenue gap.
Increasing the sales tax by one percentage point ($575 to 625 million). We can also limit any harmful effects of this increase by creating a state earned income tax credit (EITC) to help working families (cost of $50 million) and a small business property tax credit (cost of $100 million). Both the small business credit and a state EITC would also act as an economic stimulus.
Increasing cigarette and alcohol taxes ($78 to 80 million). Increasing cigarette taxes will not only raise revenue, it will discourage smoking, particularly among Connecticut’s children and youth, thereby reducing long-term health costs.
Increasing income taxes for those who can best afford it (increased revenues: $0.8 to 1.2 billion). Connecticut’s wealthiest families pay 4.7% of their income in state and local taxes (after federal tax deductions for state and local taxes).
By comparison, middle-income families pay 10.2% and low-income families pay 10.9% of their income in state and local taxes. Increasing income taxes for the wealthiest residents will help to make our tax system more fair and to close the state revenue gap. Adopting higher income tax brackets for married couple families over $200,000, as recommended by the Better Choices for Connecticut coalition, would raise an estimated $1 billion in additional revenue to close the budget deficit, while affecting less than 7% of Connecticut taxpayers. Notably, even with this rate increase, the share of income paid in state and local taxes by Connecticut’s wealthiest 5% would remain smaller than what is paid by the “bottom” 95% of Connecticut families.
Closing corporate tax loopholes. ($130 to 150 million) Flaws in our corporate tax code are part of our revenue problem, costing Connecticut hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues each year.
Close Connecticut’s “Las Vegas Loophole” ($100-120 million). Flaws in state tax accounting rules enable many multi-state companies to artificially shift profits to subsidiaries in other states like Nevada, which has no corporate income tax. This enables them to avoid paying their share of Connecticut taxes, and shifts responsibility for taxes onto locally-owned businesses and individuals.
Connecticut should level the playing field for businesses in Connecticut by requiring “combined reporting” tax rules that are already in place in at least 22 other states, including neighboring New York and Massachusetts. This reform will fix arbitrary and unfair corporate tax "loopholes" that increase our state revenue gap.
Re-apply the corporation business tax to “S-Corporations” with graduated rates to protect small businesses ($20-30 million). Because of other loopholes, many large corporations do not pay corporation business taxes. Many of these “S-Corporations” are major businesses. In 2003, 18 of the state’s 100 largest business paid only a $250 business entity tax, which applies to these S-Corporations and certain other classes of businesses. Requiring that large corporations pay the corporation business tax, and establishing lower, graduated rates for small businesses, will result in a more fair and broad-based tax system.
Scaling back public subsidies to the entertainment industry ($90 to 100 million). Connecticut’s blank check to the entertainment industry is part of our state budget problem. The State of Connecticut is excessively generous to film companies, paying for 30% of the cost of making movies, regardless of how much income tax the companies owe the state. The costs of these film tax credit subsidies far surpass the amount given in tax credits to any other industry. These film subsidies are a blank check. There is no cap on the amount of money the state can lose through these tax credits.
The State’s own study, conducted by the Department of Economic and Community Development, estimated that the tax credits do not pay for themselves. For every dollar the State spends on film tax credits, it only gets back 20 cents, a loss of 80 cents on the dollar. (The study estimated 6 cents in increased revenues and 13 cents in budget savings would result from the tax credit expenditures.) Setting a cap on Connecticut’s film tax credits will begin to set some reasonable limits on the program and help to close our state revenue gap.
Increasing the sales tax by one percentage point ($575 to 625 million). We can also limit any harmful effects of this increase by creating a state earned income tax credit (EITC) to help working families (cost of $50 million) and a small business property tax credit (cost of $100 million). Both the small business credit and a state EITC would also act as an economic stimulus.
Increasing cigarette and alcohol taxes ($78 to 80 million). Increasing cigarette taxes will not only raise revenue, it will discourage smoking, particularly among Connecticut’s children and youth, thereby reducing long-term health costs.
Low Income Earners Pay Higher Taxes
Connecticut Falls Behind All Other States in Updating Its Tax Rules for Struggling Families
More CT families paying state income tax because of failure to adjust “tax threshold” for inflation
An increasing number of struggling, low-income Connecticut families are required to pay state income taxes, because the state has failed to increase the “tax threshold,” the income level at which families begin paying taxes.
Of the 42 states, including the District of Columbia, that have a state income tax, Connecticut is the only state that has not adjusted its tax threshold upward since 1991, according to a report released by Connecticut Voices for Children and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. As a result, more low-income families have been paying income taxes, and without legislative action, Connecticut will be taxing families at the poverty level within a few years.
When Connecticut first instituted its income tax in 1991, the state was a national leader in its support of low-wage families by not requiring many to pay the tax. At the time, Connecticut had the highest tax threshold in the nation. But by 2007, 22 states and the District of Columbia had higher tax thresholds than Connecticut. This trend exacerbates the problem of Connecticut’s regressive state and local tax system, in which the state’s wealthiest residents pay a far smaller share of their income in state and local taxes (4.7%) than do middle-income residents (10.2%) and lower-income residents (10.9%).
Low- and middle-income families pay a relatively larger share of their incomes in sales and property taxes, while higher income families pay a larger share of their incomes in income tax. In total, however, the state’s wealthiest families pay a much smaller share of their income in state and local taxes than do its middle and lower income families, because the state’s income tax rates are not progressive enough to offset the regressive sales and property taxes.
To make the state and local tax system more fair and to help stimulate the state’s struggling economic engine, Connecticut Voices for Children recommends:
• Increasing the tax threshold each year by adjusting it for inflation;
• Creating a state earned income tax credit (EITC), and
• Increasing the overall progressivity of the income tax so that taxes are distributed more fairly by increasing income tax rates for the wealthiest residents.
This would also help to raise additional revenues necessary to help close the expected state budget deficit.
“We have a tax system that is increasingly unfair to working families,” said Doug Hall, Acting Managing Director at Connecticut Voices for Children. “We should catch up to our neighboring states and the rest of the country with these simple measures that would give a boost to our economy and make our tax system more fair and adequate.”
The EITC is a tax credit targeted to low-income working families. Currently 22 states, including all of Connecticut’s neighboring states and the District of Columbia, have state EITCs, but Connecticut has not adopted one.
“The federal earned income tax credit has enjoyed broad bipartisan support for decades,” said Jamey Bell, Executive Director of Connecticut Voices. “Connecticut should join its neighboring states and build on the success of the federal model with a state earned income tax credit that rewards work and helps to alleviate the unfairness of Connecticut’s tax system.”
In 1991, the state income tax threshold for a family of four was 73% above the federal poverty level. However, today, the threshold is just 14% over the poverty line, the largest decline in the nation. Connecticut’s trend is the opposite of most states. On average, states have increased their tax thresholds by 25% relative to the poverty level. A family of four in Connecticut earning just $24,100 owed the state income tax in 2007 (if they were not eligible for the property tax credit because they owned neither a car nor a home). If the tax threshold had remained at the same level above the federal poverty line, today it would be $38,713.
More CT families paying state income tax because of failure to adjust “tax threshold” for inflation
An increasing number of struggling, low-income Connecticut families are required to pay state income taxes, because the state has failed to increase the “tax threshold,” the income level at which families begin paying taxes.
Of the 42 states, including the District of Columbia, that have a state income tax, Connecticut is the only state that has not adjusted its tax threshold upward since 1991, according to a report released by Connecticut Voices for Children and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. As a result, more low-income families have been paying income taxes, and without legislative action, Connecticut will be taxing families at the poverty level within a few years.
When Connecticut first instituted its income tax in 1991, the state was a national leader in its support of low-wage families by not requiring many to pay the tax. At the time, Connecticut had the highest tax threshold in the nation. But by 2007, 22 states and the District of Columbia had higher tax thresholds than Connecticut. This trend exacerbates the problem of Connecticut’s regressive state and local tax system, in which the state’s wealthiest residents pay a far smaller share of their income in state and local taxes (4.7%) than do middle-income residents (10.2%) and lower-income residents (10.9%).
Low- and middle-income families pay a relatively larger share of their incomes in sales and property taxes, while higher income families pay a larger share of their incomes in income tax. In total, however, the state’s wealthiest families pay a much smaller share of their income in state and local taxes than do its middle and lower income families, because the state’s income tax rates are not progressive enough to offset the regressive sales and property taxes.
To make the state and local tax system more fair and to help stimulate the state’s struggling economic engine, Connecticut Voices for Children recommends:
• Increasing the tax threshold each year by adjusting it for inflation;
• Creating a state earned income tax credit (EITC), and
• Increasing the overall progressivity of the income tax so that taxes are distributed more fairly by increasing income tax rates for the wealthiest residents.
This would also help to raise additional revenues necessary to help close the expected state budget deficit.
“We have a tax system that is increasingly unfair to working families,” said Doug Hall, Acting Managing Director at Connecticut Voices for Children. “We should catch up to our neighboring states and the rest of the country with these simple measures that would give a boost to our economy and make our tax system more fair and adequate.”
The EITC is a tax credit targeted to low-income working families. Currently 22 states, including all of Connecticut’s neighboring states and the District of Columbia, have state EITCs, but Connecticut has not adopted one.
“The federal earned income tax credit has enjoyed broad bipartisan support for decades,” said Jamey Bell, Executive Director of Connecticut Voices. “Connecticut should join its neighboring states and build on the success of the federal model with a state earned income tax credit that rewards work and helps to alleviate the unfairness of Connecticut’s tax system.”
In 1991, the state income tax threshold for a family of four was 73% above the federal poverty level. However, today, the threshold is just 14% over the poverty line, the largest decline in the nation. Connecticut’s trend is the opposite of most states. On average, states have increased their tax thresholds by 25% relative to the poverty level. A family of four in Connecticut earning just $24,100 owed the state income tax in 2007 (if they were not eligible for the property tax credit because they owned neither a car nor a home). If the tax threshold had remained at the same level above the federal poverty line, today it would be $38,713.
CT’s Wealthy Families Pay Smaller Share of Taxes
CT’s Wealthy Families Pay Smaller Share of Income in State and Local Taxes than Middle- and Low-Income Families
Report supports efforts to pass a more progressive income tax
Connecticut’s wealthiest residents pay much less of their income in state and local taxes than do the state’s middle-income and poor families, according to a report released by Connecticut Voices for Children today on the tax filing deadline. The research-based policy thinktank called on the Governor and state legislature to support progressive income tax reforms recently endorsed by the legislature’s Finance Committee to help ensure that those who can best afford it contribute a greater share toward closing the state budget deficit and avoiding damaging budget cuts.
The report, “Who Pays? The Unfairness of Connecticut’s State and Local Tax System,” was based on an analysis of state and local tax data by the national Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. The study found that after federal income tax deductions for state income and property taxes, the wealthiest 1% of Connecticut’s families (with average income in 2007 of $4.2 million) paid only 4.5% of their income in state and local taxes. This was less than half the share of income paid in these taxes by the state’s middle-income families (9.3% of their average income of $55,000) and the poorest 20% of families (12.1% of their average income of $12,200).
“Before Connecticut policymakers make severe state budget cuts that could harm Connecticut families and the economy, they should at least make sure that the wealthiest residents are contributing their fair share toward the common good,” said Douglas Hall, Acting Managing Director at Connecticut Voices for Children and author of the report.
The report was released at Connecticut Voices for Children’s 8th Annual State Budget Forum, held at the state Capitol to discuss options for closing the state’s revenue gap. The report comes as the state faces a projected deficit of $4 billion in the next year (Fiscal Year 2010).
Among the study’s other findings:
· While some assert that Connecticut’s wealthiest families pay more than their fair share of tax, citing income tax paid as a share of the state’s total income tax returns, it is also true that they report the largest share of income in the state. According to the report, the top 1 percent of earners in 2007 (with adjusted gross income of $850,000 or more) paid 37% percent of the state’s total income taxes, but also reported 35% of the state’s total income. So the share of taxes paid by the wealthy is a reflection of the fact that they enjoy a larger share of Connecticut’s total income than other residents, not that they are taxed far more heavily.
· Low- and middle-income families pay a relatively larger share of their incomes in sales and property taxes, while higher income families pay a larger share of their incomes in income tax. In total, however, the state’s wealthiest families pay a much smaller share of their income in state and local taxes than do its middle and lower income families. Why? Connecticut’s income tax rates are not progressive enough to offset the regressivity of the sales and property taxes. Indeed, most Connecticut residents (61%) pay the same 5% income tax rate as the wealthiest millionaires.
To help in alleviating the unfairness of the state and local tax system and to ensure that the state has sufficient revenues to fund essential programs to support all Connecticut families and keep the state economically vibrant, Connecticut Voices for Children recommends that state lawmakers:
· Increase the income tax rate for Connecticut’s wealthiest residents. Adopting higher income tax brackets for married couple families over $200,000, as recommended by the Better Choices for Connecticut coalition, would raise an estimated $1 billion in additional revenue to close the budget deficit, while affecting less than 7% of Connecticut taxpayers. Notably, even with this rate increase, the share of income paid in state and local taxes by Connecticut’s wealthiest 5% would remain smaller than what is paid by the “bottom” 95% of Connecticut families. That is, this change would only begin to make the state and local tax system less regressive.
· Provide additional state aid to Connecticut’s cities and towns to reduce Connecticut’s relatively high property taxes. Providing full funding for the Payment in Lieu of Taxes program and increasing the state’s share of K-12 education funding to close to 50% would reduce pressures on local property taxes; and reductions in local property taxes would provide particular benefit to our middle-income families and to small, start-up businesses.
· Adopt a state earned income tax credit (EITC) and increase Connecticut’s personal income tax exemptions. Both measures would make Connecticut’s tax structure fairer at the lower end of the income scale and help to compensate for the fact that Connecticut’s tax threshold – the income level at which families begin to pay the state personal income tax – has not changed since the tax was adopted in 1991. As a result, an increasing number of low-income families must pay income taxes.
“Connecticut residents of all income levels benefit from our public structures -- our schools, roads, and public safety agencies," said Jamey Bell, Executive Director of Connecticut Voices for Children. "We all have a stake in ensuring that we have the revenues we need to protect the services that help make our state a great place to live and work.”
The report, Who Pays? The Unfairness of Connecticut’s State and Local Tax System, is available on the CT Voices Web site at
Connecticut Voices for Children is a research-based policy and advocacy organization that works to advance strategic public investment and wise public policies to benefit our state’s children, youth and families. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ( is a non-profit, non-partisan research and education organization that works on government taxation and spending policy issues.
Report supports efforts to pass a more progressive income tax
Connecticut’s wealthiest residents pay much less of their income in state and local taxes than do the state’s middle-income and poor families, according to a report released by Connecticut Voices for Children today on the tax filing deadline. The research-based policy thinktank called on the Governor and state legislature to support progressive income tax reforms recently endorsed by the legislature’s Finance Committee to help ensure that those who can best afford it contribute a greater share toward closing the state budget deficit and avoiding damaging budget cuts.
The report, “Who Pays? The Unfairness of Connecticut’s State and Local Tax System,” was based on an analysis of state and local tax data by the national Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. The study found that after federal income tax deductions for state income and property taxes, the wealthiest 1% of Connecticut’s families (with average income in 2007 of $4.2 million) paid only 4.5% of their income in state and local taxes. This was less than half the share of income paid in these taxes by the state’s middle-income families (9.3% of their average income of $55,000) and the poorest 20% of families (12.1% of their average income of $12,200).
“Before Connecticut policymakers make severe state budget cuts that could harm Connecticut families and the economy, they should at least make sure that the wealthiest residents are contributing their fair share toward the common good,” said Douglas Hall, Acting Managing Director at Connecticut Voices for Children and author of the report.
The report was released at Connecticut Voices for Children’s 8th Annual State Budget Forum, held at the state Capitol to discuss options for closing the state’s revenue gap. The report comes as the state faces a projected deficit of $4 billion in the next year (Fiscal Year 2010).
Among the study’s other findings:
· While some assert that Connecticut’s wealthiest families pay more than their fair share of tax, citing income tax paid as a share of the state’s total income tax returns, it is also true that they report the largest share of income in the state. According to the report, the top 1 percent of earners in 2007 (with adjusted gross income of $850,000 or more) paid 37% percent of the state’s total income taxes, but also reported 35% of the state’s total income. So the share of taxes paid by the wealthy is a reflection of the fact that they enjoy a larger share of Connecticut’s total income than other residents, not that they are taxed far more heavily.
· Low- and middle-income families pay a relatively larger share of their incomes in sales and property taxes, while higher income families pay a larger share of their incomes in income tax. In total, however, the state’s wealthiest families pay a much smaller share of their income in state and local taxes than do its middle and lower income families. Why? Connecticut’s income tax rates are not progressive enough to offset the regressivity of the sales and property taxes. Indeed, most Connecticut residents (61%) pay the same 5% income tax rate as the wealthiest millionaires.
To help in alleviating the unfairness of the state and local tax system and to ensure that the state has sufficient revenues to fund essential programs to support all Connecticut families and keep the state economically vibrant, Connecticut Voices for Children recommends that state lawmakers:
· Increase the income tax rate for Connecticut’s wealthiest residents. Adopting higher income tax brackets for married couple families over $200,000, as recommended by the Better Choices for Connecticut coalition, would raise an estimated $1 billion in additional revenue to close the budget deficit, while affecting less than 7% of Connecticut taxpayers. Notably, even with this rate increase, the share of income paid in state and local taxes by Connecticut’s wealthiest 5% would remain smaller than what is paid by the “bottom” 95% of Connecticut families. That is, this change would only begin to make the state and local tax system less regressive.
· Provide additional state aid to Connecticut’s cities and towns to reduce Connecticut’s relatively high property taxes. Providing full funding for the Payment in Lieu of Taxes program and increasing the state’s share of K-12 education funding to close to 50% would reduce pressures on local property taxes; and reductions in local property taxes would provide particular benefit to our middle-income families and to small, start-up businesses.
· Adopt a state earned income tax credit (EITC) and increase Connecticut’s personal income tax exemptions. Both measures would make Connecticut’s tax structure fairer at the lower end of the income scale and help to compensate for the fact that Connecticut’s tax threshold – the income level at which families begin to pay the state personal income tax – has not changed since the tax was adopted in 1991. As a result, an increasing number of low-income families must pay income taxes.
“Connecticut residents of all income levels benefit from our public structures -- our schools, roads, and public safety agencies," said Jamey Bell, Executive Director of Connecticut Voices for Children. "We all have a stake in ensuring that we have the revenues we need to protect the services that help make our state a great place to live and work.”
The report, Who Pays? The Unfairness of Connecticut’s State and Local Tax System, is available on the CT Voices Web site at
Connecticut Voices for Children is a research-based policy and advocacy organization that works to advance strategic public investment and wise public policies to benefit our state’s children, youth and families. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ( is a non-profit, non-partisan research and education organization that works on government taxation and spending policy issues.
Monday, April 13, 2009
CT Democrats’ Budget
Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance Statement
The Democrats alternative budget preserves Connecticut’s commitments to children and families while being fiscally responsible. The budget supports the Raise the Age law, removing non-violent minors from adult prisons, and Family Support Centers, a successful model for delivering preventive services to struggling families.
The Raise the Age initiative, which has already been signed into law, can and should proceed. The Democrats’ proposal shows that including 16-year-olds in the juvenile justice system can be done with minimal impact on the state’s budget. We applaud them for carefully reviewing the true cost of the reform and finding a way to implement this important public safety policy.
Governor Rell signed Raise the Age into law in 2007 and said that her proposal to delay implementation was based on financial considerations alone. Likewise, all arguments against the bill have centered on cost -- not on any philosophical objection to treating minors as juveniles, which is already the practice in 47 other states. The budget proposal proves that we can begin raising the age without burdening taxpayers. Thus we expect that a broad coalition will emerge to support this common sense reform.
We regret that the proposal does not extend to 17-year-olds, and will continue to work with stakeholders to find a way to include these children in the juvenile justice system as quickly as possible.
Even in hard times, it is essential to invest in our state’s future. Each non-violent minor diverted from the adult system is far less likely to sink into a long-term criminal career and far more likely to become a productive and taxpaying citizen. Similarly, Family Support Centers are successful at helping youth before they need more costly interventions or become involved in the juvenile justice system.
The Alliance applauds the alternative budget's provisions for Family Support Centers. State law mandates that families in every community have access to Family Support Centers, a gateway to services like family mediation, educational advocacy, mentoring, crisis intervention, and intensive, in-home therapies. The centers have been enormously successful in early intervention and the prevention of involvement in the juvenile justice system. Unfortunately, they are currently available to only 130 of the state's 169 communities. This breaks faith with families who are denied services simply because of their addresses. It also breaks faith with taxpayers, as it limits the use of a model already proven to reduce costly delinquency.
For more information about Raise the Age and Family Support Centers, visit:
Colleen Shaddox
204 Davis St.
Hamden CT 06517
The Democrats alternative budget preserves Connecticut’s commitments to children and families while being fiscally responsible. The budget supports the Raise the Age law, removing non-violent minors from adult prisons, and Family Support Centers, a successful model for delivering preventive services to struggling families.
The Raise the Age initiative, which has already been signed into law, can and should proceed. The Democrats’ proposal shows that including 16-year-olds in the juvenile justice system can be done with minimal impact on the state’s budget. We applaud them for carefully reviewing the true cost of the reform and finding a way to implement this important public safety policy.
Governor Rell signed Raise the Age into law in 2007 and said that her proposal to delay implementation was based on financial considerations alone. Likewise, all arguments against the bill have centered on cost -- not on any philosophical objection to treating minors as juveniles, which is already the practice in 47 other states. The budget proposal proves that we can begin raising the age without burdening taxpayers. Thus we expect that a broad coalition will emerge to support this common sense reform.
We regret that the proposal does not extend to 17-year-olds, and will continue to work with stakeholders to find a way to include these children in the juvenile justice system as quickly as possible.
Even in hard times, it is essential to invest in our state’s future. Each non-violent minor diverted from the adult system is far less likely to sink into a long-term criminal career and far more likely to become a productive and taxpaying citizen. Similarly, Family Support Centers are successful at helping youth before they need more costly interventions or become involved in the juvenile justice system.
The Alliance applauds the alternative budget's provisions for Family Support Centers. State law mandates that families in every community have access to Family Support Centers, a gateway to services like family mediation, educational advocacy, mentoring, crisis intervention, and intensive, in-home therapies. The centers have been enormously successful in early intervention and the prevention of involvement in the juvenile justice system. Unfortunately, they are currently available to only 130 of the state's 169 communities. This breaks faith with families who are denied services simply because of their addresses. It also breaks faith with taxpayers, as it limits the use of a model already proven to reduce costly delinquency.
For more information about Raise the Age and Family Support Centers, visit:
Colleen Shaddox
204 Davis St.
Hamden CT 06517
Monday, April 6, 2009
Democratic Candidates
One of MyLeftNutmeg's own was honored by the Fairfield Democratic Town Committee yesterday. In attendance were MLN superstars of the past Maura and Branford Boy and various other disreputable characters some of whom are pictured below:
1. Three non-candidates for governor and senator
2. MLNer with unidentified gubernatorial candidate
3. Two MLNers with unidentified gubernatorial candidate


1. Three non-candidates for governor and senator
2. MLNer with unidentified gubernatorial candidate
3. Two MLNers with unidentified gubernatorial candidate

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Progressive Income Tax Applauded
Better Choices for Connecticut applauded the Connecticut General Assembly’s Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee today for releasing a revenue package that begins to reform the state’s imbalanced revenue system. “This is a giant step in the right direction,” said Maggie Adair, Policy Director of Connecticut Association for Human Services and co-chair of Better Choices for Connecticut. “We commend the Legislature for taking a realistic approach to the state budget gap. By proposing a progressive income tax, not only are they helping to alleviate some of the most devastating cuts called for by Governor Rell in February, but they are also addressing a fundamentally unfair aspect of Connecticut’s tax structure.” The revenue increases are critical to a budget that strives to preserve key provisions in the areas of health care, education, and human services.
The Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee released a proposal that includes a progressive income tax that will raise rates on the state’s wealthiest earners. The proposal calls for increasing the tax rate to 6% on taxable income for married couples earning more than $250,000, 7% on income greater than $500,000, 7.5% on income greater than $750,000, and 7.95% on income greater than $1 million. Currently the tax rate on married couples earning more than $20,000 is 5%. Connecticut's middle-income and lower-income families pay much more of their income in state and local taxes than do the wealthiest families. After federal tax deductions, the wealthiest 1% of Connecticut's families pay 4.7% of their income in state and local taxes. This is less than half the share of income paid in these taxes by the state's middle-income families (10.2%) or low-income families (10.9%). Better Choices for Connecticut noted that Governor Rell proposed an increase in the income tax in 2007 and urged her to adopt the current proposal.
The Finance Committee also proposed a rollback of the property tax credit. While Better Choices for Connecticut acknowledges the need for shared sacrifice, there are better choices available to us, including adoption of mandatory combined reporting, and paring back on a variety of tax expenditures such as the film tax credit. "There are additional, sensible options for increasing revenues that should be on the table," said Douglas Hall, Acting Managing Director at Connecticut Voices for Children. "Fixing our revenue problem with revenue solutions will avoid the economic and human damage that budget cuts will cause." Specifically, the coalition urges adoption of revenue proposals that were not part of the Finance Committee’s proposal:
· Close corporate tax loopholes. Flaws in our tax code – “loopholes” – enable many large and profitable corporations to avoid paying their fair share and shift the responsibility for taxes onto in-state businesses and individuals. For example, many multi-state corporations exploit flaws in the tax code that allow them to artificially shift profits to their subsidiaries in other states and avoid paying taxes. Closing these loopholes through “combined reporting” – as at least 22 other states do – would mean that companies could not use creative accounting to shield themselves from taxes.
· Increase the sales tax by one percentage point. Connecticut can also limit any harmful effects of this increase by creating a state earned income tax credit to help working families and a small business property tax credit.
· Scale back public subsidies to the entertainment industry. In Fiscal Year 2009, the state will lose an estimated $117.5 million in revenues to the television and film industry through film tax credits. These subsidies far surpass our public investment in any other industry or business activity through tax credits. There is currently no cap on how much revenue Connecticut can lose through these subsidies.
· Increase alcohol taxes. Increasing alcohol taxes will not only raise revenue, it will discourage excessive alcohol consumption, thereby reducing long-term health costs.
Better Choices for Connecticut is a community coalition working to help Connecticut make better choices on ways to improve the state’s imbalanced revenue system so that it advances opportunity for shared prosperity for all Connecticut residents; preserves services for children, families and the elderly; creates and sustains good jobs; and reinvests in the middle class and our communities. For more information, go to
The Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee released a proposal that includes a progressive income tax that will raise rates on the state’s wealthiest earners. The proposal calls for increasing the tax rate to 6% on taxable income for married couples earning more than $250,000, 7% on income greater than $500,000, 7.5% on income greater than $750,000, and 7.95% on income greater than $1 million. Currently the tax rate on married couples earning more than $20,000 is 5%. Connecticut's middle-income and lower-income families pay much more of their income in state and local taxes than do the wealthiest families. After federal tax deductions, the wealthiest 1% of Connecticut's families pay 4.7% of their income in state and local taxes. This is less than half the share of income paid in these taxes by the state's middle-income families (10.2%) or low-income families (10.9%). Better Choices for Connecticut noted that Governor Rell proposed an increase in the income tax in 2007 and urged her to adopt the current proposal.
The Finance Committee also proposed a rollback of the property tax credit. While Better Choices for Connecticut acknowledges the need for shared sacrifice, there are better choices available to us, including adoption of mandatory combined reporting, and paring back on a variety of tax expenditures such as the film tax credit. "There are additional, sensible options for increasing revenues that should be on the table," said Douglas Hall, Acting Managing Director at Connecticut Voices for Children. "Fixing our revenue problem with revenue solutions will avoid the economic and human damage that budget cuts will cause." Specifically, the coalition urges adoption of revenue proposals that were not part of the Finance Committee’s proposal:
· Close corporate tax loopholes. Flaws in our tax code – “loopholes” – enable many large and profitable corporations to avoid paying their fair share and shift the responsibility for taxes onto in-state businesses and individuals. For example, many multi-state corporations exploit flaws in the tax code that allow them to artificially shift profits to their subsidiaries in other states and avoid paying taxes. Closing these loopholes through “combined reporting” – as at least 22 other states do – would mean that companies could not use creative accounting to shield themselves from taxes.
· Increase the sales tax by one percentage point. Connecticut can also limit any harmful effects of this increase by creating a state earned income tax credit to help working families and a small business property tax credit.
· Scale back public subsidies to the entertainment industry. In Fiscal Year 2009, the state will lose an estimated $117.5 million in revenues to the television and film industry through film tax credits. These subsidies far surpass our public investment in any other industry or business activity through tax credits. There is currently no cap on how much revenue Connecticut can lose through these subsidies.
· Increase alcohol taxes. Increasing alcohol taxes will not only raise revenue, it will discourage excessive alcohol consumption, thereby reducing long-term health costs.
Better Choices for Connecticut is a community coalition working to help Connecticut make better choices on ways to improve the state’s imbalanced revenue system so that it advances opportunity for shared prosperity for all Connecticut residents; preserves services for children, families and the elderly; creates and sustains good jobs; and reinvests in the middle class and our communities. For more information, go to
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