Lamont outlined a comprehensive strategy to revitalize Connecticut's cities and grow the state economy by improving transportation and education, focusing on smart development and bringing the jobs of the future to the state's urban centers.
"Connecticut's cities were once the hubs of our economy, but over the years they've fallen behind," said Lamont. "As governor, I will fight to revitalize our cities and make them places where people are proud to live, work and raise a family. By focusing on smart development, improving education and giving Connecticut families the tools to build a better life, we can renew our cities and begin a new era of prosperity for the entire state."
"Ned is the leader our state needs right now. He understands the challenges facing our cities and he has the right plan and the right experience to meet them. As a businessman and an educator, Ned has a proven record of bringing people together to solve problems and he is going to bring that results-oriented leadership to Hartford. I'm looking forward to working with him here in New Haven and across the state to create jobs and move Connecticut forward," DeStefano said.
As governor, Lamont will:
• Transform urban education from cradle to career by pulling together teachers and administrators, students and parents.
• Focus transportation strategy on our urban train and bus hubs, revitalizing downtowns, liberating commuters from rush hour traffic, and creating thousands of jobs.
• Ease the property tax burden on city residents by making PILOT payments a top priority, and making it easier for cities to redevelop brownfields, turning yesterday's industrial sites into tomorrow's high-tech facilities
• Help families succeed by increasing access to child care, financial literacy training, job placement assistance, and implementing a state Earned Income Tax Credit
• Foster transit-oriented development by encouraging public-private partnerships and providing incentives for higher-density affordable housing near public transit
Lamont released his Business Plan for Connecticut in April, which outlined the steps he will take as governor to create jobs and help businesses grow. Today's announcement elaborates on the strategy for achieving these goals in Connecticut's urban centers.
You may check out Dan Malloy's plan at http://www.danmalloy.com/policy. It makes sense since it is based on his experience in attracting business to Stamford during his fourteen years as Mayor. Practical experience beats classroom theory any day.